Monday, April 8, 2013

happy place.

Confession.  I've spent WAY too much time worrying over what I eat, how big my thighs are, what my tail looks like in a bathing suit, and what other people think.  I realize that self-critique is an unfortunate trait that sort of just goes along with being a girl, but when you think about it--really think about it--it's just kind of sickening and self-destructive.  Instead of praying for new thighs, I've come to realize that I am able to feel good about me through staying active and fueling my body the right way.  Yes, I've always loved to exercise and be active but I've never actually stuck to anything consistently until now.  I've finally found my happy place and it feels so good.  

"She is energetic and strong, a hard worker...She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future." -Proverbs 31:17 and 25

That's been my source of motivation lately.  Proverbs 31 is probably my favorite passage in the Bible.  


Ok guys, good great NEWS!  I'm running in my first race this Saturday!  Don't get too excited, it's only a 5K.  BUT, I've never run in any race so it's a starting point.  My knees have been achy with all the extra training I've been doing at the gym so I'm sticking to the elliptical until I run Saturday.  Otherwise, I'm worried I'll overdo it and be unable to race.  So, check back and I'll have racing photos posted this weekend! 

Short post, I know, but Dancing with the Stars is calling my name...and that glass of wine Bo just fixed me.  He <3's me :)  

Friday, April 5, 2013

spring break forever.

Can spring break be everyday?  Honestly, I needed the break way more than my students needed it and now I'd just like to stop time and stay in spring break mode forever.  It's been heaven...waking up late, gym visits everyday, shopping trips, dinner with friends, and visiting with family.  But it's Friday now, which means I've got three days left.  Just. Three. Days.  I plan to soak up every minute of it.

I spent the first four days of break in Georgia visiting with my Aunt Kathy and Uncle Randy.  Aunt Kathy is one of my favorite people, always has been.  The first day, we drove two hours just to eat.  Yep, you know you love food when you'll drive four hours just for food.  The restaurant, Blue Willow Inn, was tucked away in the cutest little town called Social Circle.  The restaurant is in a big historic home in the downtown area.

How beautiful is that?!

The restaurant serves the best of southern foods from collards to fried chicken to peach cobbler.  Of course, I didn't eat the chicken ;)  But, I had some of everything else.  Literally.  I left feeling 20 pounds heavier and glad to have a 2 hour drive back so the food could settle.

While we were in Georgia, we also visited the set of Fried Green Tomatoes, a southern classic.

And, of course, who could forget the celebration of Easter?!  I am personally so thankful for a Father who loves me so much that He sacrificed His only son to take away all of my (and yours!) sins.  While Easter is a time for coloring eggs, filling baskets, candy, food, and family, those are all secondary to the real reason we celebrate.  I've been listening to a song a lot recently that just captures everything I've been feeling lately about Easter and my Jesus...
"Lead me to the cross where your loved poured out,
Bring me to my knees, Lord I lay me down,
Rid me of myself, I belong to you,
Oh, lead me...lead me to the cross."
It's my favorite song right now, because it's a perfect reminder that my life is not my own, but that it's His.  While I'm not perfect, I aim to be more and more like Him.

Squinting, but still so cute :)

Time to dye eggs!

Happy Easter!


The most exciting topic of discussion...Bo and I just celebrated ONE year of marriage.  I cannot express just how blessed I am to have found this man.  He is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  Ever.  We celebrated with a night out on the town--dinner and movie, followed by drinks and laughter.  

We'd decided we wanted to stick to the traditional anniversary gifts each year, and for those of you who don't know, year one is paper.  Bo bought me tickets to the Carolina Ballet, and I bought him a  year's subscription to men's health magazine.  I also gave him a coupon to pick out tickets to a summer concert or sports event of his choice.  Can't wait to see what he chooses!  We had a blast, and I cannot wait to celebrate many more years together.  

Yep, we went there.
Aunt Kathy got a little camera-happy...but don't worry, I didn't post them all :) 


Ok guys, I'm off to celebrate one of my closest friend's birthday!  Stephanie is turning the big 34!  (She's gonna kill me for posting that!)