Sunday, March 3, 2013

fresh look.

What do you think?!  Thanks to Little Leaf, confessions & freckles has a new look.  I'm in love with's super cute, but not overdone.  I've been holding off posting until all of the changes were complete.  So, here we are.


Bo and I have been two very busy bees the last several weeks.  He's been getting ready for the Individual State Wrestling Tournament and I've been spending much of my time getting my girls ready for Nationals next week.  Between working full time, long practices after school, and being full time grad students, we are stretched thin right now.  But we are truly enjoying every moment of the ride.  Since my last post, so many things have happened--Valentine's Day, my brother's birthday, visits with out-of-town family...the list could go on.  Rather than recap on it all, I thought you might like a peek into the madness.
Heart-shaped bagel for breakfast
Conversation hearts + glue gun + love = perfect card
Heading out for our V-day date <3
Hello SLEET and SNOW!  It was SO cold that night!
Perfect ending to a perfect night :)
There's been lots of Bachelor-watching going on at my house...and you can see what the rest of the family does during this time.
Stopped to snap this picture on the way to work...thankful for what God created.  
Holy frozen yogurt.  Get in my belly!
Sisters' Day Out
A card and flowers from my best friend...just because.
The team that prays together, stays together.  
My beauties
Before the match...
Coach love
State Champion and teammate/drill partner/friend
Mommy/daughter love
Currently reading and LOVING it.

Like I said, just a peek.

This week, my girls will put the finishing touches on our routine and we leave Friday to head to Orlando.  Preliminary competition starts Saturday and finals will be held on Sunday.  The girls have worked so hard to get ready, both mentally and physically, for this competition.  They'll compete against teams from all over the nation in the category of Pom.  We are more excited than ever for the trip.  I'll be sure to post updates and pictures while we're there.


On another note, I've just started Chalene Johnson's 30-Day Push Challenge.  I know a few who've taken the challenge already and they said it helped them to make the changes they needed in order to reach some of their personal goals.  Today is only my first day of the challenge, but I'm committing to finish it.  I hope to post feedback along the way.  If you're interested, check the site out.  The best part about's FREE.

Ok guys, I've got a school yearbook to finish, a gym visit on tap, and a trip to the grocery store calling my name.  Hoping to sneak some reading somewhere in there too...

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