Thursday, August 16, 2012

daddy's little girls.

Last night was such a blast!  Dad wanted to go to Captain Ratty's for dinner, which was a-o-k with me :)  I enjoyed a cup of clam chowder and a southwestern chicken salad (sans the chicken, of course).  My favorite part is always the after-party.  It's kind of a tradition in our family to head back to my parents' house for cake and gifts.  Did I mention entertainment?  The girls always provide post-birthday entertainment which usually consists of jokes they make up themselves.  Here's a peek into last night's fun...

Hello there, birthday boy!  Mom looks a little evil back there, huh?  Doesn't seem to bother Bill.

Mom opted to do cupcakes instead of cake this time, which I thought was a great idea.  This way, everyone gets enough and there's no leftovers to pack on the calories later.  I get my brains from her!

Yes, that's a black candle.

I loved that picture so much, I had to include it.  She's so proper.

Camryn made that all by herself!  How cute!

Emma made this painting for should've seen his eyes light up at the sight of this.

Ok, so let me explain this one.  Bo, a.k.a. New Bern HS Head Wrestling Coach, has been forced to coach women's tennis for three years in a row.  He's embraced the job as a good alternative to coaching football, which took too much time away from wrestling.  Boo hoo, right?  You can imagine his excitement when my mom handing him this article from yesterday's newspaper.  Can't you see it on his face?!  I'm framing this one.

Next birthday up is mom's...the big 5-4.

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