Wednesday, August 29, 2012

what time?!

Let me be completely honest.  I was dealing with some major internal conflict much so, that I left school and went straight to the gym to work it out.  I never make 3:30 pm gym visits.  Never.  Afterward, I did feel much better but still not quite right.  I headed home to shower up for small group (fellowship+food+God's word+good discussion).  Tonight's lesson was about how we manage our time.  If you're anything like me, you're saying, "Time?  What time?" But no matter what, all our time here on earth is spent doing something and it's up to us to really look at where that time is going--to prioritize.  I know that the lesson definitely made me think about where I'm spending my own time, and whether or not I'm using my time here wisely.  


Ok, so it's been brought to my attention that there are some pretty upset wrestlers.  Since I am team mom, I guess I should go ahead and introduce you all to the boys...

What a large, dysfunctional family...and state champs second in the state too! 


Gonna finish up this hot chocolate and hit. the. sack.  Night y'all!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


That's exactly what the last two days have been.  A complete whirlwind.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining.  I love my job and I'm glad to be back at work with a new set of students...but it seems like my body has gone on strike or something.  It doesn't want to get up in the morning, it doesn't want to wear heels all day, it doesn't want to eat breakfast at 6 am or lunch at 11...but two days are down, and I'm loving every minute with the kids.  This makes every bit of the sleepy eyes, tired feet, and rumbling stomach SO WORTH IT.

Here's my teammate, Mr. Siler, and myself on the first day...before the kids arrived of course.  I never look like that by 3 pm!  And yes, we planned to wear matching colors.  We are that cool.

Now, meet Jurante.  This is my child...well, sort of.  He was in my class two years ago and I took him in as my own.  He rides to school with me in the mornings and puts up with my morning time frenzies. He's a blessing and a daily reminder of why I do what I do.

He's such a good kid!!  I know, I know he doesn't look like he's 13, but he is.  He's gonna be plowing through some kids on the football field next Wednesday.  (First game of the Grizzly season!)

With all the craziness of going back to school, it's been kashi in the morning and bag lunches for me.  Dinners have been quick and easy too.

Last night's...

 and tonight's...

and yes, I literally ate a big plate of brussel sprouts.  I may just turn into one.

Tomorrow is hump day, and I start to dig in to the "real" stuff tomorrow at school.  Prayers needed.  Goodnight y'all! :)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

jonah, school work stir crazy, & elliptical wipeout.

Last night, Bo and I had a pretty bare dinner.  It's one week before teacher payday and, as you could imagine, the fridge and pantry are looking pretty bare.  Sweet potato fries, asparagus, and black beans...not a normal combo, but good nonetheless.

Don't mind the big blur in the bottom left of both pictures...didn't realize until I was blogging that there was a big smudge on the lens of my camera.  It's all fixed now.

We went to mom's and didn't get to watch Madagascar 3 as we'd planned because apparently, it's not come out on dvd yet.  Instead, we watched the newer version of 101 Dalmations, which was so much cuter than I expected it to be.  It left me wanting a puppy really bad, but Bo would never stand for that. Besides that, we've got two to love on already!


This morning, we headed to church.  Great service!  Pastor Danny finished up the last lesson out of the book of Jonah.  Throughout the book, we kept revisiting the fact that Jonah was running from God.  I guess that really left an impression on Bo, because on our way back from church, he proclaims, "You know what?!  Last summer, I was running!"  For those of you who may not know, he broke up with me last summer for 2 months and I was devastated.  I laughed and said, "Bo, you were running from ME."  He surprised me when he responded, "No, I was running from God...He intended for me to be with you all along."  Made. my. day.

After church, we tried out a new restaurant downtown called 247 Craven and it was sooo delicious.  They serve fresh, seasonal food--mine was all of the above.

After brunch and a quick trip to Walmart, we were home and working tirelessly to get ready for school tomorrow.

Again, don't mind the blur.  Meet our kitchen table.  Renovated into a workspace.  Ugh...Bo and I were going stir crazy sitting there for three hours.  Yes, three hours.  On the bright side, we got a lot accomplished and were excited to get up and head to the gym.  I had too much energy at bay, just waiting to be released.  And release it, I did.  I found an elliptical interval workout that I decided to try out because I get way too bored on that machine.  Not only did the time pass by more quickly, but it seriously wiped me out.  You can find the workout at PBFingers blog...


It's 7:30, I'm sipping on a glass of wine and watching SVU with the hubby (while blogging, of course). I can't think of a more relaxing way to end my day.  Tomorrow is the BIG day!!!  I'm super excited for a fresh start with 85 new students.  Praying God will use me this year in many ways...<3


Saturday, August 25, 2012

bright idea.

This morning marked our first "technique practice" for the season.  My dance team is going to compete at the NDA Nationals in Orlando, FL in March.  We've been twice before, placing fifth the first time and sixth the second time.  Both times, we lacked the level of difficulty in the area of technique (turns, leaps, jumps, etc.).  Thankfully, one of my friends owns a studio in town and she went to school for dance education so she actually has training in teaching and correcting technique (which isn't my forte').  I can DO it because I grew up learning and doing it, but I have no training on how to teach technique.  Annabeth owns Get the Pointe Dance Studio and she so graciously has agreed to have a technique workshop with us once a month to work on our technical skills.  This morning, we practiced from 7-10 am and the girls did a great job!  I have a feeling it's really going to help us at competition this year.

Afterwards, Bo and I headed to the gym for a workout.  I had little motivation to work out after practice but made myself go.  I keep reminding myself how much I'll regret it if I don't do it.  So, I spent 20 minutes on the elliptical at an intensity of 10 and another 10 minutes on the treadmill at a speed of 6.0.  Afterwards, Bo took me through an upper body workout in the weight room (which I usually avoid if I'm on my own).  I left feeling much better...rejuvenated, actually.  So, I had this bright idea to start logging my workouts on the blog.  Hopefully, this will hold me accountable not only to workout regularly but also to add in some variety.  Check out my 'Workout Log' to start viewing my daily workout log.  I'm excited to get started...

After we left the gym, we ran by my own townhouse to pick up the last piece of furniture.  Its a ladder bookcase and was super easy to move.  While I was there, I found two Cardio Barre dvds that belong to Annabeth (yes, we were roomies for a short while).  I stole them but called her and let her know :)  I'm super excited to try them out.  Will give you my reviews after I do.


Bo and I are planning on cooking dinner tonight at home and heading over to mom and dad's house for a movie date--we're watching Madagascar 3 with the girls.  Can't wait!  Have a good Saturday, and hope it's not as dreary wherever you are!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

heaven on earth.

Today was OOBER busy, but oh so good.  Bo and I got up early and went to the gym for some early morning exercise.  I opted to get on the elliptical today since my knees have been so achey the last few days.  It's been quite some time since I've exercised on the elliptical because we've been running and doing Insanity lately, and I admit I missed it.  I did forget something about the machine--it can either be a good workout or a great workout.  It was five minutes into the workout before I had it adjusted at the intensity I needed in order to sweat.  Thank goodness, "Coach Bo" was on the elliptical next to me, thrilled to be able to instruct me and display his overflowing knowledge (which is only overflowing in his own mind).  By the time we'd left the gym, he'd taught me how to operate the machines and the most effective exercises for a good ab workout.  Gotta love that guy!

After breakfast (cereal) and a shower, I set off to run a few errands before work.  God must've known I needed a little boost because he gave me a job this morning.  As I'm driving down the road, I spot a dog running down the middle of the road ahead of me...on his way to being hit by a car.  I immediately pulled over into the nearest parking lot, where I coaxed the dog over.  Thankfully, Cloe had on a tag with contact information so I was able to get up with the owners.  The owner was actually driving around with her young daughter looking for the dog when I called.  They were both so relieved and thankful.  I was so thrilled to have saved Cloe, but most excited to have the opportunity to help make someone else's day a little better.  I was one happy girl.

I'm saving the world, one dog at a time :)


So, we had orientation at school today and I had the opportunity to meet many of my students and their families.  What an awesome turnout!  I can't express my excitement to get these kids in the classroom and start building relationships with them all.  I thank God daily that I have a job I love so much.  By the time it was all over, I was pretty tired of being on my feet.  I wasn't looking forward to coming home and working on dinner or cleaning dishes or...well, doing anything really.  But, I walked in the door to this.

Can you say "heaven on earth"?!  Because that's what this is.  Heaven. on. earth.  I have the world's most wonderful husband.  Crab cakes, check.  Asparagus, check.  Broccoli, check.  And black beans, check.  (He knows my vegetarian self needs some protein!)  AND FLOWERS TOO?? Check!

This day just couldn't get any better.  Unless, of course, you have a husband like mine who rented a movie for us to watch.  Gotta go, the lovebirds have a flick to snuggle up to...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

state of exhaustion.

Who knew going back to work would take such a toll on me??  I'm feeling especially "pooped" after only two days of work.  On the bright side, my classroom is set up and I'm ready for orientation tomorrow night.  On the down side, I have to TEACH next week.  What?!  I'm looking forward to hearing "Mrs. Lansche" instead of "Ms. Collins" this year.  It's gonna take a little getting used to, but it's a welcome change!


Breakfast this morning was quick.  Bo whipped up some oatmeal with banana and fresh blueberries.  I always add a packet of Splenda because it's just.not.sweet.enough.

The thing I love about oatmeal is how much it fills me up...and for how long.  It's AMAAAAZING.


So, school was...well, school.  It consisted of cleaning, organizing, yapping with co-workers, and praying for some motivation.  My teammate and I showed up in matching outfits for the workday and I couldn't resist getting a picture.

Yes.  We are THAT nerdy.  You can't help but love that Mr. Siler.  Check out that thumbs up, ha.


Dinner tonight was a real treat.  Bo had orientation at the high school tonight so I took responsibility for dinner, like any good wife would do ;)  I'm learning to juggle all my hats including the newest--wife.  I think I'm doing a pretty darn good job.  So tonight I was feeling like something light, so I opted for a pasta salad and brussel sprouts.  I also whipped up a healthy egg salad for lunches this week, and a loaf of banana bread.  I was one busy girl in the kitchen.

 Found the recipe for these ridiculously tasty sprouts here.  Thanks Heidi, Bo gobbled these down.

 The pasta salad was easy...only a mix of cooked pasta, broccoli, olives, cherry tomatoes, feta cheese, and a little bit of italian dressing.  Light but tasty.  Just what I wanted.

 While Bo and I were enjoying our dinner, look who was giving us the stare down.  That's his sweet spot.  He sits there because he can see what's going on in the kitchen, at the dinner table, and has a good enough view to keep his eye on Lucy.

I saved the best for last...

Thank you Julie at PB Fingers for always delivering the best recipes to your readers!!! Check out the recipe for this Banana Bread at Julie's blog.  I never sway from her recipes, they're usually just right.


Ok, so I got all this accomplished today yet felt exasperated throughout.  I just keep thinking about what my mom would say--"Becky, this is life."  I guess she's right.  So I'm going to pull up my big girl panties and clean out my closet.  I'm going to need some room for all the hats I'll be wearing this year...teacher, coach, full-time graduate student, wife, mommy (of the dogs, that is), and aspiring blogger.  Bring. it. on.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

a new table with a lot of love.

I've got three things on my mind this morning--my table, my dogs, and Jesus.  Last night, Bo and I went out to dinner with my parents, my brother, and Claire.  We went to our favorite spot, Spunkys.  We enjoyed dinner and drinks and some adult time, which is very unusual.  The little ones were off with one of mom's friends having dinner and school shopping.  While we missed their presence, it sure was nice to have dinner, just the six of us.

Rusty is moving into a new apartment, and his girlfriend's family is giving him a new dining room table.  Rusty's current table was handed down from my mom, who had it for years.  It was enjoyed by many, mostly our family who has eaten many a meal on it.  Since Rusty is getting a new one, Bo and I went after dinner to pick up the old one!

Ignore the mess.  Despite the fact that we have an office and a desk, our kitchen table always serves as a multi-purpose work space.  The table is the perfect size for the space!

And look who is hanging out with can I not love that sweet face?!  My dogs are the best, literally.  It's not up for discussion.

So, I went for a quick run this morning - 2.06 miles - and it sucked every bit of energy I had.  Not sure what's going on with this body.  Lately, everything aches.  I think I'm going to have to do some re-wiring to go back to work tomorrow.  I've got to retrain myself to wake up early, work all day, make time for exercise, go to drill team practice, do my graduate school work...AND then get up the next day and do it all over again.  This, my friends, is why I need a lot of Jesus right now.  I'm praying that He will help me to get back into the swing of things and that the transition isn't too rough.  At the same time, I'm praising Him for giving me an able body and sound mind.

Gotta run, and get ready for church this morning...without the hubs :(  He's out on the golf course with daddy.  He should be ashamed!  (But don't worry, he's not.)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

first performance success.

Bo and I got very little accomplished yesterday.  I guess you can say we were soaking up our last bit of weekday freedom before we go back to work on Monday.  The day consisted of eating, laying around, eating, laying get the point...until last night, of course!  Bo made the best scramble up-to-date with mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, and spinach.  Topped with a little bit of cheese, and I was one happy girl.

Did I mention caramel drizzle coffee in one of my brand new mugs? :)  We found these at the Christmas Tree Shop.  No, they don't sell Christmas's sort of an upscale Big Lots.  Bo and I hit the jackpot there, leaving with mugs, super cute martini glasses, an "L" mat for the front door, two trashcans for my classroom, and several other good finds!  The coffee mugs were only $1 each and they match our beachy/nautical theme.


So, Last night was the first football game of the season AND the drill team's very first performance of the new season.  They did wonderfully, as always, and made me one very proud coach!  Did I mention how beautiful they looked?

Ok, try again.

Much better.

Two of Bo's wrestlers snuck into this one...anything to sit next to a cute girl.


This morning, I've been working on some school work (for grad school, that is) while Bo worked on booking a room for our cousin Anna's wedding the first weekend in September.  Really looking forward to that!  He also made me some pretty good waffles--frozen, but made with love.  Notice the super delicious fresh fruit toppings.

I also stumbled across this prayer while browsing Pinterest (when I should've been doing school work).  This is why it takes me SO long to get through my work...I distract myself with more interesting and fun things.  If you're a teacher, you can probably relate to the prayer's words.

Time to get down to business.  I've got two dogs to shampoo and groom, a house to clean, and a hubby to love <3  Happy Saturday!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

daddy's little girls.

Last night was such a blast!  Dad wanted to go to Captain Ratty's for dinner, which was a-o-k with me :)  I enjoyed a cup of clam chowder and a southwestern chicken salad (sans the chicken, of course).  My favorite part is always the after-party.  It's kind of a tradition in our family to head back to my parents' house for cake and gifts.  Did I mention entertainment?  The girls always provide post-birthday entertainment which usually consists of jokes they make up themselves.  Here's a peek into last night's fun...

Hello there, birthday boy!  Mom looks a little evil back there, huh?  Doesn't seem to bother Bill.

Mom opted to do cupcakes instead of cake this time, which I thought was a great idea.  This way, everyone gets enough and there's no leftovers to pack on the calories later.  I get my brains from her!

Yes, that's a black candle.

I loved that picture so much, I had to include it.  She's so proper.

Camryn made that all by herself!  How cute!

Emma made this painting for should've seen his eyes light up at the sight of this.

Ok, so let me explain this one.  Bo, a.k.a. New Bern HS Head Wrestling Coach, has been forced to coach women's tennis for three years in a row.  He's embraced the job as a good alternative to coaching football, which took too much time away from wrestling.  Boo hoo, right?  You can imagine his excitement when my mom handing him this article from yesterday's newspaper.  Can't you see it on his face?!  I'm framing this one.

Next birthday up is mom's...the big 5-4.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

bad news sweet tooth.

It's 4:30 pm and here I sit, avoiding doing anything productive and meaningful.  I guess I've officially gone on strike until I HAVE to go to work next Monday.  I had drill team practice this morning for three hours, then ran out to the school to plan for the first week of classes.  That was sort of my limit for today...the only thing I wanna do is play on the computer.  Bo is at a tennis match (that I'm afraid is about to be rained out) and the dogs are sound asleep, meaning I've got the house all to myself :)

Last night, Bo and I had a delicious meal of spaghetti squash with a "creamy" broccoli and mushroom sauce.  The sauce was actually a little bit of a fail.  It was supposed to creamy, but turned out a little watery, so I refuse to post pictures or a recipe.  I must have done something wrong but I haven't figured it out yet.  The good news is I made a batch of perfect cookies for dessert.  The bad news is I've got a sweet tooth that gets me in a lot of trouble.  I had leftover chocolate chips from the cookies I made last week and I was itching to use them up.  I found this recipe for Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies on the Taste of Home website.  I tweaked it slightly by substituting whole wheat flour for all-purpose flour and taking out the nuts.  I also made the cookies without the instant vanilla pudding mix.  Still turned out way too edible!

To make these...

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies


  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 3 cups quick-cook oats
  • 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 - 3.4 oz pkg instant vanilla pudding mix
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 2 cups chocolate chips
  • 1 cup chopped nuts

1.  In a large bowl, cream butter and sugars until lightly and fluffy.  Beat in eggs and vanilla.

2.  Combine the oats, flour, pudding mix, baking soda, and salt.

3.  Gradually add to the creamed mixture; mix well.  Stir in nuts and chocolate chips.

4.  Drop by spoonfuls onto a greased cookie sheet, approx. 2 in. apart.  Bake at 375 for 10-12 minutes or until lightly browned.


Looking forward to tonight's birthday festivities!  My dad turns 56 today and he's still the most handsome man I know (other than my husband, of course!).  I always love spending time with the family.  Reminds me how blessed I am.  I don't always remember to give thanks for all I have been given.  Today, I'm giving thanks for a wonderful daddy :)  Pictures to follow.  

I want to leave you with something I read today that really spoke to me.  This comes from a book titled Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller.  Hopefully, it'll speak to you too, or at least get you thinking...what are you living for??

"Dying for something is easy because it is associated with glory.  Living for something is the hard thing.  Living for something extends beyond fashion, glory, or recognition.  We live for what we believe."  

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

our trip through pictures.


If you can't tell, we had such a great time!  It's such a JOY to spend time with the ones you love...